Neylana Valentina
Personal Trainer | Fitness Coach
In person services
What to expect in a session with Neylana
Fun, motivating, and empowering workouts combined with the perfect coaching that will lead you to a better and stronger relationship with yourself and your goals!
Se Habla Español! ¡Entrenamientos divertidos, motivadores y empoderadores combinados con el entrenamiento perfecto que te llevarán a una mejor y más fuerte relación contigo mismo y tus objetivos!
21 years ago, Neylana found fitness to be a very special part of her daily routine after losing 50 lbs, and decided to find ways to share her experience with everyone and help those who needed help like she once did. Got her first AFAA certification back in 2003 and since then have attended a variety of specialty fitness workshops, taught a variety of land and aquatic exercises, and work as a personal trainer and online training. In 2012, she was introduced to the world of bodybuilding. Trained by Miss Fitness Olympia Tanji Johnson, she competed in the Fitness Class becoming a national qualified competitor in 2016.
Active Aging Fitness, Body Building
Figure Competition Preparation, HIIT
Mobility/Flexibility, Muscle Gain, Weight Loss
1 Session
10 Sessions
20 Sessions
Contest Preparation